How To Apply

for a North Dakota Real Estate License

Applications for all categories of North Dakota real estate licenses are online only at Applications on paper are not accepted.

Do I need a North Dakota real estate license? 

No person may act as a real estate broker, real estate salesperson, or real estate firm in North Dakota as defined in NDCC 43-23-06.1(9-11) without a license issued by the North Dakota Real Estate Commission. NDCC 43-23-05

If you enter into an agreement to make income or profit from the transfer of or equitable interest in residential real property, you require a license and written disclosure. This practice is commonly referred to as “wholesaling.”  NDCC 43-23-06.1, NDCC 43-23-07

You need this active North Dakota real estate license even if you already have:

  • an inactive North Dakota real estate license. You must activate your inactive license before you provide real estate services in North Dakota as defined in NDCC 43-23-06.1(9-11), or 
  • an active or inactive real estate license from a state other than North Dakota.

NDCC 43-23-05, NDCC 43-23-06.1 (9-11), NDAC 70-02-01-05, NDAC 70-02-01-06

You may not need a real estate license issued by the North Dakota Real Estate Commission to provide real estate-related services if you are a/an:

  • owner of the real estate being sold
  • attorney in specific situations
  • auctioneer selling real estate in a bona fide public auction
  • bank or trust company or its officers or employees in performance of their duties as an officer or employee
  • person holding a duly executed power of attorney from the real estate owner
  • receiver, trustee, administrator, executor, guardian, or under court order, or while acting under authority of a deed, trust, or will
  • public officer while performing your duties

NDCC 43-23-07

Categories of North Dakota real estate licenses 

The North Dakota Real Estate Commission licenses:

  • salespersons
  • brokers – either a designated broker of a sole proprietorship or a firm, or a broker associate who is not a designated broker
  • firms – corporation, limited liability company, or partnership

North Dakota does not issue real estate licenses by a real estate specialty such as residential or commercial.

NDCC 43-23-05, NDCC 43-23-06.1, NDAC 70-02-01-09

Salesperson and broker licenses can be granted to nonresidents. If you are licensed in Minnesota, Iowa or Georgia, the nonresident license is reciprocal.

NDAC 70-02-01-06

Licenses can be:

  • Active – Can conduct compensated real estate business in North Dakota.
  • Inactive – Cannot conduct compensated real estate business in North Dakota -- unless inactive license is first activated.
    • A license can be issued as inactive or become inactive at any time after being active. 
    • A licensee can hold an inactive license for an unlimited amount of time, provided the licensee renews the license annually.

NDCC 43-23-05, NDCC 43-23-13.1, NDAC 70-02-01-05, NDAC 70-02-01-04, 70-02-01-09

Link here to North Dakota Century Code (NDCC) Chapter 43-23 and North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC) Chapter 70 elsewhere on this NDREC website: